Here I Will list events and activities scheduled for the next couple of months. We'll update this
page frequently, so check back often to stay up to date.
NOTE: All information retrieved during any investigation
January 2006: New Ghost hunt Bryce`s .. ----GUNTOWN HOME...14th......It was good but no evps :(
February 2006: To
March 2006: Aberdeen Historical Cemetery- 19th with new team members--- got rained out - but we didnt
on the 26th-- It was great-- going back as soon as we can
Apirl 2006: The Princess Theater Columbus MS
May 2006 :
June: (Waverley) Sorry to tell everyone we are having to rebook an Investigation Do to a death in my family
Oct 2006 : Waverley Plantation It was great
Dec 2006 : Bryce`s Home There was a Plantation Where the new home sits Best Ever !!!!
Prospective members are welcome to learn more about us by attending an event.
N.M.A.L. Paranormal Investigation & Research Of Mississippi